Miyerkules, Hulyo 25, 2018

Healthy diet, perfect body


           We always celebrate nutrition every month of July and this years theme is " Ugaliing magtanim sapat na nutrion aanihin" Did you ever ask yourself if the nutrition you get everyday is enough? did you ever dream to have a healthy and perfect body ? but you can't achieve it because you cant control yourself in terms of food?

          Proper nutrition is one of the most important element in our everyday life, it's because it gives us energy and strength to do our daily task. we should exercise to achieve a perfect body and healthy mind. you don't have to go to a gym to achieve your perfect body. we can just simply exercise to our homes like jogging outside our home and of course drinking and eating nutritious food like fruit and vegetables together with exercising is enough for us to a healthy mind and perfect body.

          The hardest part about being a healthy person is sticking  to what is planned be smart and observant in products that you buy

Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018

letter to the president

Kaylor Jane Quatchon
Fuerte Caoayan
Ilocos Sur

July 10, 2018

Malacañang palace Compound
J.P Laurel Street, San miguel

Dear President Duterte,

Mr. President I, as a student congratulate you for being elected as the President of the Philippines and I know that being a president of a nation is not easy task. I am glad that you are the president of our country. I appreciated your efforts and sacrifices for us Filipinos.

"change" your promise is to change our country. For the first time a politician fulfilled his promise. You promised to stop the drug menace in our country that seems to be impossible in the perspective of men, but you did it! you successfully stop this problem on drug abuse in our country. I agree to the death penalty that you implemented for the criminals but on the other hand in the war on drugs, killing the innocent people is not right Mr. president. killing is not an option to make this country better

May God give you long life and peace of mind. Thank you Mr. president and may God bless the Philippines under your leadership  


Miyerkules, Hulyo 4, 2018



             Everyone has a freedom but some of us abuse this freedom. Not because we have freedom we can do anything even if it's a bad idea. We need to use our freedom properly give importance to it and know our limitations. Because the people who fought for this sacrificed even their life. so now, why do we celebrate Philippine independence?

               Every year we celebrate this day and independence day is is one of the most important day in our lives. We celebrate independence day because it brings honor and love for those who spent their lives. They are willing to sacrifice their lives for our freedom. They fought bravery not thinking their safety. Celebrating independence day is like remembering our very brave heroes.

               We should be grateful to have this freedom because it's the fruit of their sacrifices.

 Credits to the owner of some of the content of this article   

My dream, my future

Everyone has a dream. I have dreams for the future just like everyone else. People dream about their future weather they be to become a doct...